Synthetic Dragon Fire Hoses

Brand : Eschbach
Manufacture : Jakob Eschbach GmbH
Country of origin : Germany

synthetic dragon

Specification Eschbach Synthetic Dragon

  • Inside and outside rubberlined fire hose.
  • Flame resistant.
  • Circular woven jacket out of 100% high tenacity synthetic yarn, embedded in a special flame retardant high grade Nitrile/PVC compound using the “Through-the-weave-extrusion process”.
  • High resistant to oil, fuel and chemical.
  • Ribs on outside lining for high abrasion resistance.
  • Working temperature range: Cold-resistant up to -35°C and Heat-resistant up to +100°C.
  • Working pressure: 20 bar (300 Psi)
  • Test pressure: 41 bar (600 Psi), or the maximum working pressure of attached coupling
  • Bursting pressure: 50 bar (725 Psi)
  • Standard colour orange, other colours on request
  • Manufactured under ISO 9001 : 2008 Quality Management System.
  • Connector with Storz coupling or on request, aluminium alloy, for external binding with stainless steel wire.

Flame resistance test acc. DIN 14811, destructive test.
Temperature: 940°C
Endurance: > 1 hour

Lightweight lay flat hose
Minimum friction loss
High aging resistance
Ribs on outside lining for high abrasion resistance
High resistance to oil, chemicals and fuel
Excellent resistance to ozone and weathering
Cold-resistant up to -35°C
Heat-resistant up to +100°C
Easy maintenance and handling

Download Datasheet

Hose Washing Attachments

Mfg.: AWG Fittings GmbH – Germany


The fire hose washing attachments permits thorough, yet protective washing without brushing of fire hoses up to 75 mm inside diameter. Two cone shaped pressure jets are washing the hose twice during each application. The impact of the pressure jets from two annular gaps imparts a forward movement to the hose. The hoses washing attachment requires only normal pipeline pressure.

fire hose washing attachment
Fire Hose Washing Attachment


  • Two cone shaped pressure jets are washing the hose twice during each application.
  • The impact of the pressure jets from two annular gaps imparts a forward movement to the hose.
  • The hose washing attachment requires only normal pipeline pressure.
  • Flow rate: 300 l/min at 6 bar
  • Made of aluminium alloy
  • Dimensions (LxWxH): 320 x 250 x 236 mm
  • Weight: approx. 6 kg
  • Connector: 2,5 inch Storz coupling or on request

Fire hoses are prone to contamination from various materials including but not limited to smoke, ash, debris, and grease. It is in your best interest to clean your fire hoses regularly. A clean fire hose is a working fire hose. The benefits of a good washer are plentiful. In addition to extending its life, washing and properly maintaining your gear can increase performance and reduce the risk of failure.

Sthamex AFFF 3% F-15 #4341

sthamex afff 3% f-15 #4341

STHAMEX AFFF 3% F-15 #4341
Mfg.: Dr. Sthamer – Hamburg

STHAMEX AFFF 3% F-15 #4341 is a synthetic, aqueous film forming fire extinguishing foam concentrate, based on surface active agents.
Special surfactants, fluorinated components and freeze protection characterise the composition of this outstanding product.

♦ DIN EN 1568 Certificate No.: KB-290/14, Part 3 (Heptane): IB/IB, Part 1: Medium ex.—
♦ ICAO Airport Services Manual, Low expansion foam — Level B
♦ IMO MSC.1/Circ. 1312 non-polar (Heptane)

STHAMEX AFFF 3% F-15 #4341 forms foam very readily and is used for both low and medium expansion foam applications.
The film forming and re-ignition preventing ingredients of STHAMEX®-AFFF 3% F-15 #4341 provide for extremely fast and effective extinction especial-ly when used on class B fires.
The aqueous film formed out of the draining foam solution spreads extremely fast and enhances the flowing properties and burn-back resistance of the foam.
The extinction time is reduced considerably and the fire source cooled.
The aqueous film even extinguishes areas scarcely covered with foam and prevents re-igniting of areas, where the foam layer is ruptured.

The foam is stable and in combination with the aqueous film, it forms a lasting, gastight layer on flammable areas. Due to its high foam density a long throwing range can be achieved.
The foam is oleophobic, i.e. it does not pick up fuel and is therefore particularly suitable for “sub-surface” foam application.
On hydrocarbon products STHAMEX® AFFF 3% F-15 #4341 can be applied as non-aspirated, aqueous solution by means of e.g. water monitors, water sprinklers, deluge systems etc.
STHAMEX® AFFF 3% F-15 #4341 is not suitable for use on polar solvents, e.g. alcohols.
STHAMEX® AFFF 3% F-15 #4341 does not contain silicones.


  • Used at 3% concentration and applied with all standard low and medium expansion foam equipment and fixed foam installations especially for class B fires.
  • Can be applied using water monitors, water sprinklers or deluge systems.
  • Seawater, brackish water and treated industrial water do not affect the out-standing fire performance.
  • Used in petrochemical industries, on airports and in on-and offshore areas.

Sthamex AFFF 3% F-15 #4341
Physical properties and technical data:

  • Recommended induction rate: 3% low expansion foam/ medium expansion foam, non-polar liquids
  • Foam expansion* (according to EN 1568): 5 – 10, low expansion foam* and 60 – 120, medium expansion foam*
  • 25%/50% water drainage time* (according to EN 1568): 2-4 minutes / 4-8 minutes low expansion foam* and 1-3 minutes / 3-5 minutes medium expansion foam*
  • Colour: colorless to yellow
  • Viscosity: at 20°C < 10 mm²/sec and at 0°C < 20 mm²/sec and at -15°C < 50 mm²/sec
  • pH value at 20°C: 6,5 – 8,5
  • Frost resistance -15°C
  • Note: * Foam expansion and drainage times may vary, depending on foam equipment and operating pressure

Shelf Life
>10 years, if stored according to our recommendations (see technical info leaflet TM014 ‘Storage of Synthetic Fire Extinguishing Foam Concentrates’).

Available in jerrycans, plastic drums, iron drums, pallet containers (totes) and in bulk.
1 pail @ 25 liters

Sthamex AFFF 3% F-0 #4302

STHAMEX AFFF 3% F-0 #4302
Mfg.: Dr.Sthamer – Hamburg


STHAMEX® AFFF 3% F-0 is a synthetic, aqueous film forming fire extinguishing foam concentrate, based on surface active agents.


♦ DIN EN 1568 Certificate No.: KB-298/14 Part 3 (Heptane): IB/IB
♦ ICAO Airport Services Manual Low expansion foam — Level B


STHAMEX®-AFFF 3% F-0 forms foam very readily and is used for both low and medium expansion foam applications.
The film forming and re-ignition preventing ingredients of STHAMEX®-AFFF 3% F-0 provide for extremely fast and effective extinction especially when used on class B fires.
The aqueous film formed out of the draining foam solution spreads extremely fast and enhances the flowing properties and burn-back resistance of the foam.
The extinction time is reduced considerably and the fire source cooled. The aqueous film even extinguishes areas scarcely covered with foam and prevents re-igniting of areas, where the foam layer is ruptured.

The foam is stable and in combination with the aqueous film, it forms a lasting, gastight layer on flammable areas. Due to its high foam density a long throwing range can be achieved.
The foam is oleophobic, i.e. it does not pick up fuel and is therefore particularly suitable for “sub-surface” foam application.
On hydrocarbon products STHAMEX®-AFFF 3% F-0 can be applied as non-aspirated, aqueous solution by me-ans of e.g. water monitors, water sprinklers, deluge systems etc.
STHAMEX®-AFFF 3% F-0 is not suitable for use on polar solvents, e.g. alcohols.
STHAMEX®-AFFF 3% F-0 does not contain silicones.

STHAMEX® AFFF 3% F-0 Application:
  • STHAMEX®-AFFF 3% F-0 is used at 3% concentration and applied with all standard low expansion foam equipment and fixed foam installations especially for class B fires.
  • The non-aspirated solution of STHAMEX®-AFFF 3% F-0 can be applied using water monitors, water sprinklers or deluge systems.
  • Seawater, brackish water and treated industrial water do not affect the outstanding fire performance.
  • STHAMEX®-AFFF 3% F-0 is used in petrochemical industries, on airports and in on- and offshore areas.
  • It is also used in plastics and recycling industries and generally, where large fire loads have to be extinguished safely and within the shortest time possible.
  • When used near electrical installations observe DIN/VDE-0132, or equivalent national standards.

STHAMEX AFFF 3% F-0 #4302
Physical properties and technical data

  • Recommended induction rate: 3% low expansion foam, non-polar liquids
  • Foam expansion* (according to EN 1568): 5 – 10, low expansion foam*
  • 25% water drainage time* (according to EN 1568): 2 – 4 minutes, low expansion foam*
  • 50% water drainage time* (according to EN 1568): 4 – 8 minutes, low expansion foam*
  • Colour: yellow to brown
  • Viscosity: at 20°C < 10 mm²/sec and at 0°C < 20 mm²/sec
  • pH value at 20°C: 6,5 – 8,5
  • Density at 20°C: 1,020 ± 0,02 g/ml
  • Sediments: none
  • Surface tension: < 17,0 mN/m
  • Spreading coefficient: > 3 mN/m (Cyclohexane)
  • Frost resistance: 0°C (prevent from freezing)
  • Note: * Foam expansion and drainage times may vary, depending on foam equipment and operating pressure

Shelf Life
STHAMEX®-AFFF 3% F-0 has a shelf life of >10 years, if stored according to our recommendations (see technical info leaflet TM014 ‘Storage of Synthetic Fire Extinguishing Foam Concentrates’).

STHAMEX®-AFFF 3% F-0 is available in jerrycans, plastic drums, iron drums, pallet containers (totes) and in bulk.

sthamex afff 3%


Sthamex Foam Concentrate

Sthamex foam concentrate adalah cairan yang bila dicampur dengan air dalam konsentrasi yang tepat membentuk larutan busa untuk pemadaman kebakaran api kelas B (hidrokarbon non-polar, polar solvent), memadamkan kebakaran api pada cairan yang mudah menyala atau mudah terbakar seperti bensin, minyak tanah, solar, alkohol, keton, ester, dll.

Bagaimana busa dihasilkan
Sistem proporsional mencampur persentase tetap konsentrasi busa dengan air.
Campuran larutan busa yang dihasilkan diperluas dengan udara dalam generator busa.
Proporsi lebih rendah menghasilkan busa basah, berat dan dapat mengalir, sementara busa kaku dengan sifat perekat dan insulasi yang baik dicapai dengan proporsi yang lebih tinggi.
Dalam kasus apa pun, volume busa yang dihasilkan berkali-kali lipat dari volume larutan busa.

Bagaimana busa memadamkan api
Pembakaran memiliki empat prasyarat dasar: bahan yang mudah terbakar, suplai oksigen, proporsi bahan yang mudah terbakar yang benar untuk oksigen, dan suhu pengapian yang relevan.
Jika salah satu prasyarat ini hilang, api tidak bisa menyala.
Dari sudut pandang kimia, pembakaran adalah proses di mana suatu zat bereaksi cepat dengan oksigen dan melepaskan panas, yang disebabkan oleh suhu pengapian.
Untuk memadamkan api, material yang terbakar harus dipisahkan dari suplai oksigen, atau didinginkan di bawah suhu pengapian. Persis hal ini dicapai dengan busa pemadam kebakaran.

Efek pemadaman berikut ini digunakan saat mengaplikasikan busa:

Efek pemisahan
Selimut busa menutupi bagian depan api, memisahkannya dari udara ambien dan mencegah suplai oksigen lebih lanjut ke bahan yang mudah terbakar.

Efek pendinginan
Air yang mengering dari busa menguap di bagian depan api, di mana panas hilang dan laju reaksi antara bahan mudah terbakar dan oksigen atmosfer berkurang secara signifikan. Bahan yang mudah terbakar didinginkan oleh air yang mengalir dari larutan busa.

Efek Menutupi
Selimut busa menutupi bagian depan api, mencegah emisi gas lebih lanjut dari bahan yang terbakar, misalnya gas yang mudah terbakar dari materi pembakar tidak bisa lagi mencapai bagian depan api. Pendinginan bahan pembakaran secara simultan mengurangi tekanan uap, menghindari kebocoran gas dan karena itu membakar kembali. Cairan-cairan vulkanous yang tumpah dapat ditutupi secara preventatif, untuk mengurangi emisi yang berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Ini juga secara signifikan mengurangi risiko kebakaran.

Efek penekanan
Dengan busa ekspansi tinggi atau menengah, menekan dan memisahkan oksigen atmosfer dari dan gas yang mudah terbakar yang diperlukan untuk proses pembakaran.

Efek isolasi
Konduktivitas termal rendah dari insulasi busa yang belum menyala, atau padam, bahan mudah terbakar dari radiasi termal dan sumber penyulut.

Fields of Application Dr.STHAMER foam concentrate:

Petroleum and Petrochemical industry, Chemical industry, Plastics industry
 Airport fire services, commercial airports, in hangars or on helidecks
 Maritime vessels, tugboats and firefighting vessels
 Mining industry
 Municipal fire services

sthamex foam concentrate

sthamex foam concentrate
Sthamex Foam Concentrate


Hydrant Pillar

2-Way Hydrant Pillar 4 Inch

Local Pabrication


Hydrant Pillar

        • Body material :  Carbonsteel, 4 inch Pipe Sch. 40 Seamless, A106 Gr.B
        • Inlet :    4 inch Flange ANSI 150# RF
        • Outlet :  2x 2.5 inch Flange ANSI 150# with Storz or British Instantaneous or NHT Coupling adapters, caps and chain
        • Valve :    2.5 inch AWG Landing Valves (fire valves) with 30° outlet, brass material
        • Design pressure : 15 bar
        • Test pressure :     22.5 bar
        • Flow rate:            33 l/sec
        • External:   Coat Polymade Epoxy Polyuretane
        • Internal:   Tar Epoxy Coated
        • Finish:       Fire Red RAL 3000
        • Gross weight: approx. 90 kg
        • Local fabrication


        Hydrant Pillar
        hydrant pillar

        Hydrotest Pressure



        • Hydrotest pressure


        Hydrant Valves

        • AWG Landing Valves (Fire Valves) with 30° Outlet
        • Body and bonnets made of brass
        • Hand wheel red made of aluminum alloys
        • Outlet: 2.5″ STORZ coupling adapter, aluminum alloy, complete with blank caps and chain.
        • Inlet: BSP male threaded G 2½”
        • Connection inlet with flange 2,5″ B16.5 ANSI 150# FF A105, paint finish red color.

        hydrant pillar
        Hydrant Valves – Landing Valves


        hydrant pillar
        Hydrant Valves – Landing Valves


AWG Suction Strainers

AWG Suction Strainers
Brand : AWG
Manufacture : AWG Fittings GmbH
Country of origin : Germany


Available are AWG suction strainers with and without non-return valve and drain arrangement.
We recommend generally suction strainers with non-return valve and drain arrangement in order to prevent discountinuities in the liquid column when the suction process is interrupted and makes it possible to fill the suction pipe run. Pulling the rope of the drain arrangement causes the check valve to open and to drain the suction hose.


  • AWG Suction strainers with non-return valve and drain arrangement.
  • We recommend generally suction strainer with non-return valve and drain arrangement in order to prevent discountinuities in the liquid column when the suction process is interrupted and makes it possible to fill the suction pipe run.
  • Pulling the rope of the drain arrangement causes the check valve to open and to drain the suction hose.
  • Make a low maintenance fire pump priming system if it is installed at the end of the fire pump suction hose.
  • Body suction strainer made of aluminium alloy and strainer with stainless steel.
  • Connector adapters with storz coupling, aluminium alloy, or on request.

suction strainers
Suction strainer with non-return valve

suction strainers
Suction strainer with non-return valve

LOW LEVEL STRAINERS With Non-Return Clapper

This design allows draw-off almost down to the ground and provides good stability. Oblique outlet permits better guiding of hoses through cellar windows.

SUCTION STRAINERS Without Non-Return Valve and Drain Arrangement


Water Foam Fire Monitor

Water Foam Fire Monitor for mobile use
Brand : AWG
Manufacture : AWG Fittngs GmbH
Country of origin : Germany


Water foam fire monitor type APF 2-HH (HH 1260) – SW 12/S
Up to 1,200 l/min at 8 bar, max. 10 bar
A wide variety of application options make the proven APF 2-HH an all-rounder.
It can be used permanently mounted as a roof monitor or in the portable design for mobile applications.
The continuously adjustable hand lever, as well as the simple push-in connection, which connects the basic unit and the base frame are designed for simple handling.
Both the basic unit and the base frame can be folded up with one hand for saving space.
The APF 2-HH is ready for use with only a short set-up time despite the compact transport position.
Special supporting feet on the base frame provide additional stability in use.

Water Foam Fire Monitor


  • Flow rate capacity 1200 l/min at 8 bar.
  • Outlet with self-priming foam pipe SW 12/S, Self-priming foam branch pipes (SW/S) are a combination of inductor and foam producer.
    Admixing rates of max. 6 % can be set via a control device on the inductor.
  • Maximum pressure 10 bar
  • Swivelling range Horizontal ± 60° (released ± 360°), Vertical +25° to +90° (released -30° to +90°)
  • Paint finish Iron shimmer dark grey (similar to RAL 7011).
  • It can be used permanently mounted as a roof monitor or in the portable design for mobile applications.
  • Rotary / swivel movement via height adjustable hand lever, as well as the simple push-in connection, which connects the basic unit and the base frame are designed for simple handling.
  • Both the basic unit and the base frame can be folded up with one hand for saving space.
  • Inlet Storz coupling size 65 (2,5 inch) aluminium alloy, fixed coupling with ball valve.

water foam fire monitor


Ground Fire Monitor 750 GPM

Ground Fire Monitor 750 GPM
Brand : AWG
Manufacture : AWG Fittings GmbH
Country of origin : Germany


  • Ground fire monitor capacity 750 GPM, portable type.
  • The APF 3-P is designed as ground fire monitor 750 gpm for mobile use.
  • The device equipped with nozzle or foam pipe is suitable for delivering water and any type of foam.
  • The monitor resilient supporting legs have low-wear carbide stand tips and collapse for transport in just one action.
  • Vertical adjustment is carried out via a self-locking spindle with hand wheel.
  • Moreover, a built-in swivel range limit ensures stability at all times of use.
  • The top and bottom sections of the monitor can be quickly and simply separated from each other without tools.
  • On the one hand, this provides convenient handling combined with handles integrated in the top and bottom section.
  • On the other hand, the modular design allows the use of the top section as a roof monitor by mounting it onto a suitable folding joint or roof flange.
  • Horizontal adjustment with handle and vertical adjustment with hand wheel
  • Swivelling range Horizontal: ±180°, Vertical: 35° to 90° (released -15° up to +90°)
  • Flow rate 3000 l/min at 8 bar.
  • Input collecting breeching with 2x 2.5 inch, adapters coupling connection on request.
  • Outlet MZS 3000 nozzles complete with pick-up hoses for foam liquids, manual change between full jet and spray jet with integrated self priming for foam agents, a foam mixing rate is possible 1%, 3% and 6%.
  • Maximum pressure 16 bar
  • Made of aluminium anodized.
  • Paint finish, red (RAL 3000).

ground fire monitor

Foam Mixing Rate

Pressure Gauge


Ground Fire Monitor 500 GPM

Portable Ground Fire Monitor 500 GPM
Brand : AWG
Manufacture : AWG Fittings GmbH
Country of origin : Germany


  • Ground fire monitor portable.
  • The APF 2-TurboFighter, weighing approx. 10 kg, is a lightweight portable ground fire monitors, ideal device for mobile use.
  • Monitor type Alco Power Fighter APF 2-TurboFighter.
  • Swivelling range: Horizontal ±40° and Vertical +20° to +60°.
  • Both the vertical and horizontal swivelling directions can be locked in any position.
  • Horizontal adjustment with handle.
  • Vertical adjustment on nozzle.
  • TurboFighter supplied with an integrated ball valve for shutting off.
  • The special supporting legs provide stability in use and complete with safety rope.
  • Materials monitor body made of aluminium alloy, seals NBR and standard parts stainless steel.
  • Paint finish powder-coated, red (RAL 3000).
  • Maximum pressure: 16 bar.
  • Inlet: 2x 2.5 inch, adapters coupling connection on request.
  • Outlet: 2.5 inch complete with multi-purpose nozzles type MZ or MZV.
  • The MZ nozzles can set flow rate  500 GPM at 100 Psi (factory set for fixed flow).
  • The MZV nozzles flow rate is 2000 LPM at 8 bar, adjustable from 600-2000 LPM in steps of 200 each, change of jet shape and change of flow rate possible according to the preset pattern or continuously.
  • Multi-purpose nozzles (full jet/spray jet, wide spray approx. 100º) are equipped with a baffle which deflects the flow of extinguishing agent at the nozzle outlet so that it comes out through a ring-shaped slit.
  • Manual change between full and spray jet.
  • The nozzles made of aluminium alloy.
  • Compatible with foam concentrate.
  • Colour black anodized.
  • Throw distance (full jet position) with angle of approx. 25º to 30º at 8 bar operating pressure is approx. 50 meter.

ground fire monitor

ground fire monitor
Ground Fire Monitor Portable


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